ST. LOUIS (BP)--"Forgiveness is a beautiful word until you are the one who has
to forgive," said Debbie Morris, who was brutally raped as a 16-year-old by
Robert Lee Willie, the prisoner whose life was chronicled in the 1995 movie,
"Dead Man Walking," starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn.

Sharing her testimony during the June 9-10 Woman's Missionary Union annual
meeting in St. Louis, Morris said, "Forgiveness is a difficult thing to do
sometimes. It takes courage. It takes faith."

Morris, now living in Mandeville, La., with her family, was kidnapped along
her teenage boyfriend, Mark, taken to a remote area in south Alabama and
viciously attached.

Morris recounted her thoughts when she was raped for the first time, while her
boyfriend was confined in the trunk of their car.

"I would survive, no matter what I have to endure," she remembered thinking,
acknowledging her resolve had to have come from the God she had accepted two
years before.

She also remembered wanting to remember every single detail, the look of her
captors' faces, so that she could later help convict her attackers. "I was so
filled with hate and with the need for revenge," she said.

While she was repeatedly raped over a 24-hour period, her boyfriend was taken
into the woods, hung on a tree, shot in the head and stabbed in the side, his
neck slashed, and left for dead. Miraculously, he survived and is married to
another woman.

Morris recalled thinking in the midst of the attacks, "Where is God right now
the God that I love? Does he even exist?"

That answer would come much later for Morris when Willie was seated in the
courtroom answering for his actions.

"Why did you let her go?" Willie had been asked. "I know it was a stupid thing
to do," he responded. "But there was something different about her. When I
looked into her eyes, I saw love."

Morris could not believe her ears. Love? Disgust, contempt, hatred, but surely
not love, she said.

"When I thought that I had been abandoned by God, he really was there," she
said. What Willie saw was not her love, she said, but the love of Jesus Christ
in her, who was looking back at him.

After long, gruelling trials, Vaccaro and Willie were sentenced for numerous
crimes. Willie was given the death penalty, which at that time in Louisiana
meant the electric chair.

"Even with the revenge that I felt," Morris said, "[the punishment] was a
burden for a 16-year-old to carry into life."

Though justice had been served, and it was time to go on with life as it was
before, Morris felt bitter and scared and her whole world was turned upside
down. "It didn't matter to me anymore whether I was a cheerleader or
queen," she said. "It didn't matter if I even passed."

Fearing the state psychiatric hospital in a nearby city, Morris kept her
depressed feelings to herself, which eventually led her to drop out of high
school, where she was once an honor student.

She turned to alcohol, like her parents, even after promising earlier in her
life that she never would.

When the time came for justice to be carried out through Willie's execution,
Morris realized that all she wanted was peace. "I had held on to this hope
once justice was served, I would be healed" and experience peace and

"There's no justice in this world," she recounted. "There is no justice in our
justice system. We answer to a much higher justice system."

Morris realized that the people, alcohol and other things she had tried did
give her that peace. Instead, she asked God to reveal himself to her again, to
help her forgive the man who had done these terrible things to her.

The morning after Willie was executed, Morris admitted that she was not healed
immediately, but she did feel a burden lifted from her. Knowing that
was a process, Morris set about to learn about complete forgiveness.

"I learned that I had turned my back on the Lord, and I needed his
she shared.

"Forgiveness is something I did for me," she said. "Robert Lee Willie did not
benefit that night because of my forgiveness. He died in the electric chair
night. But I got new life when I forgave."

Morris recounted how later, one night when she was nursing her new-born son,
began to think of Willie's mother, who had aided and abetted her son in
from prison on a prior conviction, and who had lied about her on the witness

"I began to realize that there was a time when Robert's mother held her
son in her arms, dreaming of the life ahead for him," Morris said. "For a
moment, I felt a bond with her. For the first time, I understood a love so
strong that we might do something wrong to protect that love.

"God softened my heart toward this mother," Morris told the WMU audience.

Later, when Morris saw the movie "Dead Man Walking," she saw the scene when
Willie's mother visited her son for the last time before his execution. She
to say goodbye without wrapping her arms around her child one more time.

"Our hearts must go out to these women," Morris said tearfully.

She related how she later had a burning desire to go to her rapist's mother,
ask her for forgiveness for holding a grudge against her, but found that she
died from cancer.

"I realized, again, that I was the one who needed forgiveness," she said,
that forgiveness has different outcomes. "God's may not always include
restoration, but forgiveness is for everyone."

Though she had understood that intellectually, it wasn't until she went on TV
share her story that she realized there was still a part of her that felt
did not deserve to be in heaven.

She has since understood that God's love is boundless and his mercies are
unfailing for all people. Though there was no evidence that Willie ever
or accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, Morris said that if he did accept
in the final minutes or seconds of his life, she will welcome him in heaven,
where she knows she will be.

"As a Christian, I realized that I was required to forgive," she said, before
challenging her audience to examine their own lives.

"Look at the co-worker who received the promotion you deserved or your husband
deserved. Look at the committee member who always thinks their ideas are the
best. Even in our churches, look at the catty gossiping that takes place.
about the people who have children on the same sports teams as your children.
Think about your husband's ex-girlfriends or new wife.

"God is very clear about how we should treat these difficult people," she
drawing from Matthew 5. "We are to love our enemies and pray for those who
persecute us.

"It takes courage to love those who seem unlovable. It takes faith to forgive
our humanness those we declare as unforgivable.

"Will you accept the forgiveness of someone else or forgive someone today?"

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