Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord.  Alleluia.

Suddenly I realised that some days in the morning when I got up I felt that 
I was getting irritated and angry for no reason.  The loving voice of my mom 
or dad who took all the trouble to get things ready for me to go to office 
even if they said something to me it caused so much of irritation.   
Afterwards during the day I used to feel so bad and sad that I was getting 
irritated and angry to hear the  voice of  my loving parents.   Some days in 
the morning I could pray well but some days really could not pray and 
feeling irritated and disturbed.  I gave this problem to Lord Jesus and 
asked to help me out.   Praise and thank you Lord Jesus.  I got a chance of 
attending the retreat conducted by Sr.  Merinna of Divine Retreat Centre.

Sister explained to us that some of us were getting  irritated and angry in 
the morning without reason even hearing the voice of a person could cause so 
much irritation.   The reason is when we have not forgiven the people who we 
have to forgive the way the Lord wants us to forgive.   So that 
unforgiveness that remains in us when we go to sleep all that anger or 
hatred over the person soaks in us through out the night as we are sleeping 
and in the morning when we get up we feel so irritated even to hear the 
voice of  people even though they have not done any harm.  Till we pray and 
ask God to fill us with His  Holy spirit and forgive the person completely 
we would be suffering with this kind of irritation and anger which could 
affect the relationship with others.

When we go to sleep we must chose a verse from the Bible something which we 
can easily remember like Jeremiah 29:11 – I know the plans I have for you 
says the Lord plans for your welfare and not evil to give you future and 
hope.  Keep repeating this verse from bible and go to sleep and get up in 
the morning saying the same verse.  The whole night when we are sleeping the 
Word of God soaks in us and removes all anger and irritation.

When I did this exercise I found that my morning really turned out to be a 
good morning when I wished my Abba Father God good morning and started my 
prayer where I  could really pray well and have a good time with the Lord.   
Hearing my parents voice never caused irritation.  I praise and thank Lord 
Jesus.  Word of God there is so much power.

Fatima Sharmila

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