Hello again!
So they are back in Chennai now! So sad they could not come to Fujairah and
do a show :(.
Yesterday was the last show for Rexband in UAE as of now. I am sure they
will be asked to come again to do more shows in the Emirates in near future.
Yesterday in Dubai the hall was jam-packed. The crowd was willing to pay
even to stand and watch the show. Finally the organizers had to give tickets
to many of them to stand on both sides of the hall, near the doors etc. The
band started off at 8.15 PM but had some technical problem with the lights
and sounds, which took almost 30 minutes to fix. Finally the program took
off again at around 8.40. The attendance like in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi was
multicultural and the crowd highly appreciated the show. The program
finished at 10.45.
Then the band members had to pack their stuff and race to the airport to
catch their flight to Chennai. The race to the airport for the 5 "local
Rexband" members was kind of touch and go as their flight was slated for
departure at 12.30. The other 8 members who had come from India flew home at
around 1.00 in the morning.
The JYs here did a tremendous job in arranging the shows and now it will
take some days for them to get their bearings right :). Great job guys.
James Thomas (who was entrusted with the job of coordinating all the matters
of Rexband trip) from whom I took details for these daily updates, and his
joyful, prayerful, hardworking gang of JYs made this possible. Another
factor, which helped us, was your prayers. Thank you so much. Lets take a
moment to praise and thank our Lord who showered abundant blessing through
this Rexband trip.
Praise you Lord, Thank you Lord
Stay healthy and God bless
Fujairah, UAE

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