That was a Wonderful Poem by Hari.... here is one more one the same

urs in faith



Thank You God

Thank you God from above.
For all this wonderful love.
The love you give me each and every day.
Even though there were times I'd felt you'd gone away.
I thank you God for the people you put in my life.
To take away all my bitterness and strife.

I thank you God for all the many splendid things.
I hope God that I am able to pull out all the strings.
God I just want to be the one for you.
The one that makes the skies blue.
The skies blue for those that read these words so true.
And do your great work of healing hearts each and every day.
By taking from so many their lives of disarray.

God thank you for the many talents you've given me, this I can't ignore.
Even though so many days it feels like such a chore.
I often wonder, why me Lord.
But still you continue to keep things in one accord.
So as I sit here and pen these words, I want you to know.
I thank you God, for you're the main reason I glow.

God I thank you for waking in bed each day.
I thank you for the beautiful blue skies and the suns rays.
I thank you for the peace in my heart.
And for all the fears that continue to part.

I thank you for being you.
For making me feel great, even when I'm blue.
I thank you for the depths of understanding you've given me.
For the many opportunities to grow like a fine tree.
Growing in leaps and bounds, like never before.
I thank you God for opening so many doors.

God you've made so many changes in me throughout the years.
So many times, I've had to fight back the tears.
But God you've always been there, and I thank you once again.
For each and every day because of you I can hold this wonderful grin

Daniel J. Brincefield Sr    11/2001

Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
----- Original Message -----
From: hari krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 4:11 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Why Me ???!!!!

> Hi  All !!
> My friends see how loving God is!!! This little poem goes really true with
> Bless You
> Hari
> Dubai
> When I hated you, you loved me.
> When I did you wrong, you did good unto me.
> When I gave up, you came along and picked me up.
> Now all I can say is thank you.
> Now all I can wonder is why me?
> When I drank to much, you put me in a treatment center.
> When I was promiscuous, you protected me from disease.
> When I judged others, you showed me my need for forgiveness.
> Now all I can say is thank you.
> Now all I can wonder is why me?
> In my sins I spit on you and mocked you,
> In my rage I nailed you to a tree
> In your pure love you didn't spit back,
> You just looked up and prayed for me.
> Now all I can say is thank you.
> Now all I can wonder is why me?
> The answer is as simple as your beloved name
> Jesus, the Lord, who saves me from my shame.
> Abba, the one who makes it rain on me again.
> Holy Spirit, the one who heals me and makes amends.
> Why me? because i'm bad, and I need you.
> Why me? because I failed, and couldn't save myself.
> Why me? because YOU WANTED TO,  and that's good enough for me.
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