Dear friends,

    The last world cup finals between Brazil and Germany was a delightful
treat to watch. Not bcos Brazil won it; but bcos they dedicated their victory
to Jesus.

    Last Sunday all of us friends met at a place to pray. And after that a
group of friends met together at a house for the football match. Since all of
us were christians and catholics we cried out in loud praise when we saw a
player praying or making the sign of the cross(Ronaldinho).  All of us were
thrilled to see Brazil win the world cup and then were delighted to see them
all Pray together and exalting the name of Jesus. What a poweful way of
EVANGELIZATION before millions of eyes over the TV !!!!  As some one rightly
told our lives might be the only Gospel the world will read...

    Towards this I am forwarding a mail which I received who also thought in
similar lines ...(like most of us).

    Take good care and God Bless You!!!

Love in Christ

----- Original Message -----
From: Jose Baby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:29 AM
Subject: [Fwd: [indianchristianyouth] 100% JESUS]


----- Message from Unknown on Unknown -----

Dear friends,

It was the eve of the FIFA World Cup. After our family prayer, my husband
(Benji) and I were discussing about the BIG GAME to be played between
BRAZIL and GERMANY the next day. We were discussing that millions all over
the world would be watching this great event and how GREAT it would be if
only someone shares a short gospel. We went ahead discussing that would we
do any such thing if we get a chance. Forget about the football stadium but
in our respective work place or college???

I personally am not too much into sports but my husband being an ardent
sportsman made me watch some of these matches and together we were enjoying
the finals eagerly wanting Brazil to win but at the same time not wanting
our dear neighbors to loose. Yes, Brazil did take the World Cup for the
fifth time but what surprised and made us spell bound was the way the
Brazilian team members reacted to their victory. We saw that immediately
after the match, 3 of them knelt in the middle of the ground and prayed.
One stood in a corner with his hands stretched out wide and prayed. Much
more, the entire team knelt down holding hands forming a chain and were
PRAYING. Not just that, one had put on a t-shirt which said JESUS LOVES U,
another I BELONG TO JESUS, yet another one had written on his t-shirt 100%

WOW! what a witness. At times we need not have to speak out the word of God
but God gives us the wisdom to be a testimony to others, if we are in HIM.
YES, the Brazilians did the same, witnessed to the whole world...millions
all over the globe would have seen it. We cannot separate our faith in
JESUS from our daily life if we have a constant relationship with him,
although at times are overrun by a feeling of shyness which may stop us
from expressing ourselves.

The match is repeatedly shown in the TV and every time we see, we are so
much moved and just can't stop glorifying God, praise these Brazilian
Christian witness and question ourselves. Couple of weeks back we saw in
the CNN news broadcast, how large number of Brazilians are converting to
Pentecostals and Evangelicals. Well what I mean to say is not the
denomination what is important but the BORN AGAIN experience by  giving
ones life to JESUS and accepting HIM alone as their personal savior.

Today the German team received a very warm welcome in their country, let's
see Brazils tomorrow....and continue to pray LET YOUR (CHRIST'S) KINGDOM
ourselves. Let's try to be 100% JESUS. AMEN AMEN AMEN


Jessy Benjamin

Rte du Chatelet 2
CH 1700 Fribourg
Phone: 00 41 264222610 (T/F)
Mobile: 00 41 786746055 (Benji)
Mobile: 00 41 763780050 (Jessy)

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