Hi All in Jesus,
    I am forwarding what Silvy wrote to you all. Please continue the 5 minute
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Silvy George wrote:

> Dear All,
> It is not only Saji who has lost track of time...we are in the same boat.
> My internet connection was not functioning the last two days either.  We
> were busy with the Rex Band for the past 2 weeks, and had been planning for
> them for the past couple of months.  Needless to say, we (and many others)
> have been going to sleep in the wee hours of the morning this past month(1
> or 2 AM being the earliest).  But we have enjoyed every minute of it!
> What little time we spent with the Rex Band was well worth it.  They are a
> joyful group of JY's who truly live out their faith.  Let us continue to
> pray for them in the remainder of their trip and even after reaching back to
> India.  They have touched many hearts through their witnessing.  I will most
> certainly miss them dearly.
> RB is now in Chicago, their main program there being on Sat., the 13th.  We
> too will be driving to Chicago on Friday(Saji & family, Kurian Uncle and Tom
> Uncle will be with us).  We should be back home by early Monday morning.
> The East Coast WYD group will be leaving for Toronto on Wednesday night.
> That's all for now.  Please continue to keep RB, WYD, participants of WYD,
> all of us, and everyone's travels in your prayers.
> May God bless you.
> Love and prayers,
> Silvy

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