I'm giving my full support to Baiju on his note.....now its time to close this chapter 
as this is getting out of focus....moreover i would repeat as Baiju advised that we 
should get advise before we come to conclusions on topics like this and putting it 
over joynet.

regards, bonny
-----Original Message-----
From: Baiju.T.F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 July 2002 08:23
Subject: [JOYnet] SUICIDE

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

I have been privileged to go through most of the mails posted on Joynet about
suicide. I have a strong feeling, now that, the time has come to put an end to
that particular. The reason being, the subject has gone out of our hands as I
could see mis-interpretation of the Sacred Scripture.

God has a particular reason for writing all those words in the Holy Bible and
if we are trying to give our own explanations, we are trying to conquer the
wisdom and intelligence of God the Father, which is quite impossible. By human
mis-interpretations we are also sending wrong signals to certain class of
people who are very much vulnerable to what they read in Joynet.

Our dear friend Ravi has already written about it.

Forgive me if I am questioning your liberty to write your comments on joynet.
At the same time, I have a suggestions to make; before we put our comments
with Scripture quotes on highly explosive subjects like suicide, murder, rape,
abortion, homosexuality, etc. on Joynet let us seek the advice of our
Spiritual Fathers as we are not sure in what context the readers will take as
they will not be that much Spirit filled as the authors.

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten our wisdom & understanding,

With Love & Prayers,


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