Hold on to Jesus !
>                       WHEN ONE PERSON RUINS YOUR LIFE
>                       ==============================
>King David was hounded by Saul. The prophet Elijah was threatened 
>by Jezebel.
>Paul was harmed by Alexander the metalworker.
>Even Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
>Has one person ruined your joy? Is there a name of a person, and 
>when you  hear that name you feel defeated, worried, and 
>Can one person ruin our life? Not unless we forget that One 
>person stands in the gap for us--JESUS CHRIST! He does not want 
>your life to come to ruin!
>Praise the Lord.
>I am excited, blessed and comforted to know that my Jesus, my 
>Friend, my Savior stands in the gap on my behalf to keep me from 
>being ruined.
>We can only be ruined if we give in to the devil and reject the 
>Lord's salvation,satan seeks to destroy us forever.
>"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come 
>that they may have life, and have it to the full"(John 10:10).
>So, what did God do so that we would not be ruined by the 
>"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, 
>that whoever
>believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 
>Jesus wants us to walk in His power and strength here and now.
>"I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the 
>ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and 
>drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their 
>fruit"(Amos 9:14).
>Jesus has a way of entering into our lives with the purpose of 
>rebuilding what has been destroyed. He restores what is ruined.
>Today, you may feel ruined, defeated and depressed. Friend, 
>please hear me.
>Jesus wants to keep you from being emotionally ruined now. He 
>wants to restore your emotional heartbreak.
>I never know whom God is seeking to reach these Thoughts. But I 
>know,His message of restoration, life more abundant, eternal 
>life, is going out right
>where He wants it to go. Will you allow the Words of Jesus, the 
>love of Jesus to reach deep into your broken heart?
>Whatever your pain or heartbreak, Jesus will use it to shape you 
>and train you to effectively serve Him in helping others. Now, 
>pick yourself up and in the power and love of Jesus, let's face 
>another day!
>When a supernatural force, such as the devil, makes a punching 
>bag out of you,and ruins your day, there is only One who is 
>powerful enough to deliver you--
>JESUS CHRIST..... Jesus delivers us from an old, tattered 
>punching bag to a child of the,dressed in royalty.
>Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for holding us up, when we 
>cannot stand.
>Thank You for picking us up when we are down. In Jesus' Name, 
>Have a Blessed day!

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