Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:32 AM
Subject: Thought-30/07/2002

>Beware of Self-Exaltation - Joyce Meyer
>Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your 
>estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may 
>1 Peter 5:6  We are not to promote ourselves. True promotion 
>comes from
>(Psalm 75:6,7)  I can promote myself but from experience I have 
>that it I put myself somewhere, I have to struggle to keep myself 
>I wait for God to put me in a position, He also keeps me.  It 
>to wait on God's promotion, but waiting on Him honors Him-and the 
>honors God will be honored by God. (1 Samuel 2:30.) It is yet to 
>be seen
>what the Lord can do through a man or woman who will give Him all 
>   We must learn to allow God to take the lead role in our daily 
>life and
>future. How much we are depending upon Him is clearly seen by how 
>are to wait on Him for what we want.  Trusting God does not mean 
>that we
>nothing. It does, however, mean that we do only what God leads us 
>to do.
>God can use only the humble. The degree of humility in which we 
>determines how much God is able to use us.  Wait on the Lord!
>(Psalm 27:14.) His way is better. His timing is perfect.  Do 
>This:  Allow
>God to take the lead role in your life. Wait on Him, and 
>everything will
>turn out better in the end.
>Have a Nice day!

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