Hi All,
    Thank you all for your prayers for the Rexband. See the good results as shown in 
the following E-mail.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

> Hello Jesus Youth of America,
> Yes, it is true..New York is finally Alive!  Thanks be
> to God!
> For those of you who don't know about what has been
> going on in New York, we started a Prayer Group in
> White Plains more than a year ago with Jothiny
> Platharayil's help.  We started with a strong mind.
> But as time moved on, the fire was dead within the
> group and no motivation was there from the youth.  But
> with many of your prayers and Jothiny's willingness to
> continue to work with us , we kept going.
> The Rex Band seemed to be the turning point in our
> group's spiritual life.  The Rex Band opened many of
> our hearts to the Lord, including mine.  I was able to
> put aside all the other worries in my life and focus
> on the Lord, and I continue to do so.  Sometimes I
> feel that the Rex band was sent to light the fire in
> New York, and they truly did.  Praise the Lord!
> Our prayer meeting, after the Rex Band left, was more
> powerful than it ever was before, and since then we
> have only continued to get stronger.  A few of us met
> as a core group before World Youth Day and put down on
> paper all the things that we would like to accomplish
> as the Lord's children.  We wrote down a lot of ideas
> but we know that prayer is most important.  We have
> decided to continue to focus on prayer and see what
> the Lord leads us to do.  We need ALL of YOUR PRAYERS
> in this matter.  We do not want to fall away EVER.
> Please keep us in your prayers, so that we may grow in
> love with the Lord as well as bring others within New
> York to the Lord.
> I want to give my utmost thanks to all of those in
> Jesus Youth of America that has been praying for us
> from the beginning.  You didnt lose faith in us even
> after all this time, and it is your faith and love in
> the Lord that has kept us going. Thank you!
> I, Julie, will be the spokesperson to JYA about how
> things are moving along with New York.  I might need
> some help at times, so I might contact some of you
> personally (hope you dont mind).
> All of you are welcome to our meetings.  We meet Every
> second sunday from 3:30pm-5:30pm at
> St. John's the Evangelist CHurch,
> 148 Hamilton Avenue
> White Plains, NY 10605.
> If there is ever a change of date or time we will
> inform you. As we continue to grow in faith I ask all
> of you to keep in touch with us in New York and keep
> us in your prayers.
> Thanks to All! Praise God!
> Love and Prayers,
> Julie Vembenil
> (914)-428-5678

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