“Blessed are you among women and blessed be the fruit of thy womb” Luke.
1. 42.


Mary was jubilant to learn that she was pregnant with God and she went to
break that news with Elizabeth. When Mary visited Elizabeth, The Holy
Spirit filled Elizabeth and Elizabeth cried out “ Who am I that the
mother of my Lord came to visit me” Luke. 1. 43. When Mary, who carried
God, greeted Elizabeth, she said, “ When your greetings sounded in my
years, the baby leapt in my womb for joy” Luke 1. 44. I think this indeed
is a powerful testimony from a person who had God. Elizabeth was filled
with the Holy Spirit and it is then she exclaimed,  “ Why the mother of
my God visits me”.


On the 15th of August, the Church celebrates the Assumption of the Virgin
Mother Mary into heaven. It is a matter of faith and a teaching of the
Catholic Church. Church. 

Mary was taken up into heaven body and soul and is seated at the right
hand of God. She is given a prominent place in heaven to intercede for
us. Mother Mary interceded when she was living on the earth. Mary went to
Jesus and told him about an emergency situation.  “ They have no wine”
John 2.3. Mother Mary told the people around “ Hurry, do whatever he
tells you” John 2.5.  Mary interceded at a critical situation and she
does the same even today. Some people might question this. I have answers
to that from my own personal experiences. Things that were seemingly
impossible became very easy as I prayed to Our Blessed Mother. I have
seen healings both physical and Spiritual at the intercession of the
Blessed Mother. Now I don’t doubt. Now I don! ’t philosophize. I just
believe. This development and transition was not easy but now I believe
that My Mother Mary will and does intercede for me.


I remember of an incident back in my former parish at Manila,
Philippines. I went to bless a house and one of the family members was a
Satan worshiper. I didn’t know of that till I was in that home. This man
who was worshiping Satan, had satanic pictures  inside his room, which
was cold like a cold storage.

We offered him and the whole family to Jesus through Mary. We started
praying the Novena to Our Blessed Mother and on the ninth day Mrs. Flores
(Real Name), the mother of this young man, brought her son, who was a
Satan Worshiper to the Church. Praise God.

Our Mother Mary intercedes for us and she is present in our life.


On the Fifteenth of August, India celebrates Independence Day. The
freedom of India happened on the fifteenth of August and I don’t think
that is a mere coincidence. God has a plan for us and everything happens
according to His plan of action.  India got freedom on the fifteenth of
August. I think the conversion of India is through Mother Mary.


Happy feast and Happy Independence Day to India and to the people of

Fr. Thomas Mathew/USA/ August 15 2002


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