- "A New Way To Pray" from Jesus journal weekly

"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that 
receive them, and you will have them.” Mark 11:24

Jesus expects us to be a praying people. The fact is, most of us aren’t very
good at it. Most of us mouth our petitions and seek blessings, but too few 
of us
prevail in prayer.

And even though we know the Bible teaches that we should “pray without 
(1 Thessalonians 5:17), most of us don’t pray often enough. That’s where a 
way to pray” comes in.

Rather than getting lost in morning and evening prayers, or rather than 
to emulate Muslims by praying a certain number of times per day, we need to 
constantly in prayer.  But it should not be abstract, but a part of our 

For example, when you have breakfast in the morning, walk around the table 
pray for each member of the family. If you see a Highway Patrolman as you 
to work, ask God to bless him and keep him safe. If a co-workers shares a 
problem, silently pray for that matter on the spot. Writing a letter or 
email to
someone? Pray for the recipient as you sign or send it. Pray for people you 
about in newspapers or see on the television news.

Start “glancing prayers.” Take a quick look at the discouraged man on the 
and pray for him. Glance at the young mother with the crying baby in the
supermarket and pray for her and her child. Glance at the face of the person 
pumps your gas and pray for him. Glance at the tired waitress and ask Jesus 
sustain and bless her. We are constantly glancing a wide range of people for
many reasons, and it should become a trigger to bring them before the Lord.

This is a new way to “pray without ceasing.” As we pray in this way, we must
believe as Jesus taught us.  When we believe, we know that our many prayers 
not ricochet off the ceiling, but arrive at the Throne of God, where he 
and answers and moves in the lives of the people for whom we pray.

Love In christ

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