Loving all,
am forwarding an urgent prayer request to u. Kindly keep praying for this couple.

luv n prayers

> Please add my sister and her husband to your prayer
> list.  They have four
> children and are talking about getting a divorce. 
> They have a good marriage
> but it are under attack right now and everyone is
> suffering (especially the
> children).  The husband is moving out next week but
> I would like to request
> prayer for divine intervention that would convict
> him to stay in spite of
> the situation at hand.  They both love the Lord..
> however he is a more
> devout Christian than she is.  Their names are Kevin
> and Denna Davis.
> Please pray with me on this matter!  Thank you and
> God bless you richly for
> your prayers.
> Alees Edwards

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