
Sirs what must I do to be saved" Acts.16.30

The jailer called for a light and rshed in, fell trembling at the feet of
Paul and Silas and asked "

sirs what must I do to be saved" Acts.16.30. This man was in total
surprise and amazement seized him. The Holy Spirit seized and made him
bend his kneees before Paul and Silas, the chosen and send people. I
would say this was an extra ordinary way God meeting His people. God
didn’t hesitate a moment to touch this jailer. Through a nartural
calamity, an earthquake, God touched this non believer and he changed
then and there. This man enquired about the ways of salvation. All other
concerns he had vanished as he set his eyes on  Paul and Silas. When Paul
spoke to him, he became God-touched.

The many migrant workers in Singapore became God-touched yeterday. They
sang and praised the name of God. These men brought along with them their
pain, anger and related hurts

. God touched and healed them. Many of them experienced physical and
Spiritual healing. God healed the broken hearted and bandaged their
wounds, healing them.  Psalm 147.3. During the adoration, many
participants came forward and signified their interest to be send with a
new vision in life to effect changes in their lives. Their own brokenness
showed them new lights. They realized that "they are the light of the
world" Mt.5.14. They are willing to proclaim the message of repentence
and change in the name of Jesus to their fellow workers who might be in
darkness, drunkenness,and related addictions, being seperated from their
loving families and culture.

These migrant workers live in an island called Jurong Island, Singapore
and it is heavily gurded after the September eleven attack. There are
many refineries in that island and there are workers frm India,
Philippines, Thailand and some other Asian countries. Thousands of
workers live in different blocks. God touched some of these migant
workers who work hard to earn their daily food. All the participants in
the retreat had only one thing to ask, and that

was "How shall we find Jesus ?". When they found that Jesus is the light
of their world and their personal saviour, they worshiped Jesus and went
home with peace and joy. This was another Pentecost expereince for many
in Singapore. Now  please intercede and pray for the rest of the retreat
and training,  in Singapore.

God Bless us all

Praise the Lord

Fr Thomas Mathew/September 9th/2002



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