Praying for them
         mail their ids to joynet so that we also can help them & you
----- Original Message -----
From: suma thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] PRAYER REQUEST!!

> dear  prayer   warriors,
>                          thanx    lots     4  ur  prayer   support   in
favour  of  my  friend`s   sister  janet...  she   is  recovering   from
surgery....    continue  ur  prayers..
> my  friend   extend   her  thanks  to  u all...
> this   is  another  request  ...another  job  goes  directly to ur
heaven bankaccount!!!
>                                       pray  specially  4  two  of  my
collegues  --british  friends--  they  r  depressed   .. no  specific
reason  ,, they  have  tried  everything  they  could,,   they  have  got
everything  they  wanted    still  they   say  ...  cant  find
contentment...consolation...  satisfaction...!!!     i  had  achance  to
introduce  our  amazing  friend  ,,consolar,,  provider  ..our  enough!!
they  were  surprised!  they  says  they  never  believed  in God..  cant
accept  that  concept....  dont  know  how  to  believe...
>                           needs   ur  prayers   mates.....
>           most  of  the english friends i  happened  to meet   here  r  in
same  boat..  its  hard  4  them  to  come  to  faith  also     as  they
denyed  God .....since  long  time...
>          they  realise  something  they  missed...!!
>    shall  we  raise  our  hearts  together  now,,    shall   we  beg  the
mercy  of   Creator  4  them.....
>              " come  holyspirit   fill  the  hearts  of  thy   unfaithful
,   kindle  in  them  the  fire  of  faith!"
>           thanks  a  tons  4  ur  prayers    ,,,,  i`ll   get  back  to  u
with  feedback...
>                                           in  His  presence-----luv---suma
>  Yahoo! Properties Special  Buy, sell, rent...your flat, or even post an
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