Dear brothers and sisters of the Joynet,

     Lord often speaks to us in whispers and through visions.. But we need to
be tuned to Him so that we will not miss out those subtle but important
messages. This mail comes to you with a special prayer request for my brother
and friend Rev Satish Babu.
Please keep him, his ministry and family  in your prayers.The past one week
whenever I was praying; I was seeing a gas cylinder and I was not able to
discern it (and ignored it also). Now I know Why ! Be tuned to God - He is
always talking to us!!  And be very very serious about what He says!
      I am attaching a testimony/portion of the mail from Babu Chettan (as I
call him) of how the good Lord keeps his children safe from all dangers. He is
a being used by Lord for His kingdom : to preach the Good News to people of
different walks of life in North India - like the Rajputs of Rajasthan,
Muslims and many Hindus... As you read this mail please take some time off to
put some pray for Him and His family.He is strongly into the area of
deliverance ministry -- which means he needs more prayer support. So pls do
pray for Him.

Love in Jesus and Mother Mary

Sanju Joseph

From: "Rev S Babu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Sanju Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Fw: car burning

Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 13:16:43 +0530

What happened, on Sunday, 29th Sept, after our Ajmer church worshiping, I
wanted to go to Riyan badi. On Saturday, our  staff and children from Riyan
Badi  joined together at Ajmer, and we had a happy time on the Sunday worship,
with all children and our staff plus our believers. Evening at 6 pm we all
were moving out towards Riyan, two staff and three children were with me in
our Gypsy, which is given me one person for our training programme. The Gypsy
is old vinatage and 1984 model fitted with LPG connection. Thew Gypsy was
driven by me . At about 7.15pm, Gypsy reached one km before to Riyan,
suddenly, Gypsy got fired and I dont know what happend, I stopped the vechile
and by the Grace of God, I managed to pullout all pasengers from the gypsy and
atlast I removed LPG cylinder from the vehicle. During that time, the vehicle
got completely fired and could have happened anything, but He gave me the
caurage to do the thing in a right way and by His grace only, we all escaped
from the fire (Isa 43:2) The place where Gypsy got fire, was in the
wilderness, no water or sand available, and road was full of dark. I got a
little burned on my left hand when I snatched my Bible from the gyspy and now
it is ok.

Yes, God miraculously helped us out from the burning Gypsy, and not even one
scratches happend to anyone. But the vehicle was totally burned out(See the
picture) all books and other metrials were burned out. No problems, but we are

Why such things happended in my life? Becoz God wanted to show His mighty hand
and have a great purpose behind it. I know our God is going to use me in a
mighty way. I am sure, he will give me another good vehicle for His Vineyard.
No matter what happend today, but tommorrow He will give me a right and good
path to way towards the harvest.

Anyway, as a human being I depressed and shocked very much because I have
never witnessed such accident. Suppose it had heppended in the midst of any
city, and nobody will get chance to escape....then what ....???????

Yes God is great all the times!

When we are facing such testing, never loose our heart. Now I am perfectly OK,
by this testimony, yesterday I had a great meeting in Kundan Nagar and six
people got saved and they accepted Jesus as their personal saviour. Praise the

So dont worry, when we  face such testing. Trust in the Lord and He will
sustain us from the all the cirumstances and situations.

With luv and regards

In His Warfare

Babu chettan

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