Dear Friends,
Have a nice week ahead.Pray for each other.

How can I live without them?
A middle-aged woman went to a distant monastery for her first weekend
retreat in many years, When she arrived at the guest house, one of the monks
approached her and surprised her with a brusque question. "Why not?" "That
was the first thing he said," she relates. "He had never seen me before. I
hadn't even said a word. "Why not?" he questioned. I knew he had me. After
all he was the retreat master." I brought up excuses: "It was a long
trip.... I'm tired... the kids... the people I work with... not enough
time... I guess it's my temperament." The retreat master took a long sword
off the wall and gave it to the woman. "Here, with this sword, you can cut
through any barriers you have." She took it and slipped away without saying
a word. Back in her room, alone, she sat down and kept looking at the sword.
She knew that what he said was true. But the next day she returned the
sword. She muttered, "How can I live without my excuses?"
Theophane the Monk, Tales of a Magic Monastery -Brian Cavanaugh

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