Dear riends,
I hope you remember that a few days back I writing about my sister who is
undergoing cancer tratment. quite a number of people replied to me. I
compiled all those replies and sent it to my sister and now this is the
reply I got from her on the 11th.
Her e mail id is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
THank you very much for praying for her and please continue to do that.

Chackochan Njavallil, Kerala, India

Just saw your mail today, thank you, had the chemo today, just came back,
chemo effects will be srarting by evening. God"s grace is helping me survive
the chemo.It is really hard, but iam surviving, it is a big comfort that so
many people are praying for me, convey my thanks to each and everyone of
           how are the kids?  .......................

Chackochan Njavallil/Kanjirappally/Kerala/India

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