Dear Friends,

Tom a businessman born in a very good family having a lovely father and mother, they were living happily. when he become old enough to stay by himself he changed his life style, one day he said to his father, oh dad u r still living in the old century the world has changed, we have to compete for everything to survive.

He said to him, dear I agreed what you have said, but take care you should ask for our loving Lord’s blessing before you do anything. Now I found you giving excuses for praying and even you are not bothered giving thanks to Him. It’s not Good. Without him you are nothing. Days and months passed Tom in his world spends his time for worldly pleasures.

One day when he wakes up from the bed he saw his locker empty he found a piece of paper with a small note excuse me.

Friends, whatever the things we do, ask the blessing of our loving Lord, before, He will bless u with His abundant wealth and it will last forever.


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