
"Her children rise up and call her blessed..." (Proverbs 31:28)

She dreamed of you from the time she was a little girl cradling a baby
dollin her arms.

She always saw you playing around the little cottage in her childhood

She carried you in her body and you made her sick every morning for

She bore you into the world through intense pain but when she heard you
and saw your wrinkled face she forgot all about it and wept tears of joy.

She fed you at her breast and her whole world revolved around you.

She stole into your room at night just to watch you sleep and she was
you were the most beautiful child on earth.

She set up through the night to bathe away the fever and at breakfast
dad said; "Sleep well, honey?" oblivious to the all-night vigil.

She somehow always knew when you needed her, even in the middle of the
night, and she came to your r! oom and changed your bedding and made sure
were warm and dry.

She covered your ears and gave you your coat and checked your homework
made you practice the piano and set through all your ball games and
like they were the seventh game of the world series and a debut at

She nagged you to brush your teeth with words of wisdom like; "Be true to
your teeth or they will be false to you."

She changed your diaper and cleaned up when you were sick and washed
underwear no one else would touch without a chemical suit.

She made sure you had the drumstick and your dad had the breast and acted
like she preferred the wings. Her oatmeal cookies made you forget the
beating you took from the neighborhood bully, or the slow rate of
card sales.

She listened to you and didn't laugh when others would have mocked you.

She believed in you when you didn't believe in yourself and prayed! for
even when you didn't think you needed it.

She made you think you could do things you were sure you couldn't do.

She was tough enough to call your bluff and discipline you and give you a
sense of boundaries and the security that comes with it.

She spanked you when "Spocking" was all the trend with lesser mothers.

She knew when you needed a spanking or just a nap and she didn't always
you candy though she longed to indulge you.

She was always waiting when you came in late. When you complained about
she pretended to be asleep the way you always did when you wanted her to
carry you in from the car after a long trip.

She read the Bible to you and read the Bible in front of you and did what
mothers have to do to make sure the family is faithful in church.

She made your dad a much better man than he ever would have been without

She mended clothes as a labor of love and it broke! her heart to see how
quickly you grew out of them.

She knew you were only loaned to her from God and soon the house would
silent again.

She washed mountains of dishes and truckloads of laundry. she put up food
the hottest summer days and didn't complain.

Her most sincere prayers were the ones she sent heavenward in gratitude

She filled your home with fragrance and beauty and music. The smell or
her perfume and fresh-cut flowers, bacon for breakfast and Sunday roast.

Her eyes were bright and happy and full of life.

She wept though, wept and worried a thousand times for you when no one

She rose early on holidays so you could enjoy a festive meal and an

She planned for days and worked for hours so that in a few minutes you
gulp it down and go watch football. You didn't always thank her or help
with the dishes, but those meals have bee! n a cherished memory for

She baked you special treats just to watch you eat them.

Something inside made her happier the more you ate.

She wore old dresses so you could have a new ball glove.

She skipped vacations and second honeymoons so you could go to camp.

She limited expenses for her hobbies so you could get your band

She was happy with last year's fashion so you could have this years

She didn't abandon the family when your dad was insensitive to her needs.

She took the blame for your failures and stood back and let your dad have
the glory for your successes.

And having done all these things and a thousand others that make mother a
sacred word, she still felt she wasn't the mother she should have been


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