Dear Friends,

When Jesus came here on earth, he imparted to us so many valuable things. But there is one value that is of great importance and that is giving. An open hand signifies an open heart. The gospel strongly teaches us to give and it will be given unto you—good measure, pressed down, shaken together, overflowing, will be poured into your lap (Luke 6:38)

God gives. He gives us everything we have. He gives us the world—the sun, rain, sea, wind, trees, food, drink, clothing, shelter—everything.

Sacrifice is the universal proof of real love. Our Lord sacrificed Himself, giving up everything—His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity just to win back our eternal life. Contrary to the values of the world that takes, possesses, hoards, the Lord teaches us a counter-value—to deny one’s self and to take up one’s cross.

It is customary to say that the real value of the gospel is love. That is true, but the guarantee that the person is truly in love is when the person gives, not only his things but also his very self. St. Ignatius Loyola confirms this when he said that authentic love is shown in deeds, not in words.

When we give, we suffer. We experience pain. But pain has a special place in the plans of God. A mother gives life—in pain. But after the birth of the child, her painful ordeal is forgotten; there is only exquisite joy. All God’s gift comes wrapped in pain. His best gifts are usually the one, which we receive in tears in our eyes. When we try to live the values of Lord, it initially accompanies the cross, but soon it turns into the joy of resurrection. Our Lord said, "I have come that you have life and have it more abundantly. I have come that my joy might be in you, and that your joy might be complete." (John 15:11) On the other hand if we embrace the values of the world, then we will experience unparallel sadness that will ultimately lead to despair.

"God is besides you. He is present in the heart of every individual. We are the temple of Holy Spirit. Therefore we are exhorted by our Lord to love our neighbor, even those we consider our enemies. But if you are unable and still you say you love, then that is a lie. Because you cannot love God, whom you do not see, if you cannot love your neighbor, whom you do see" (Fr. Ramon Villena).

Bensilal Chacko

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