There is a small correction in the first line of third para  instead of
"Definitely obedience to God's will comes after obedience to parents" it
will be read thus "Definitely obedience to God's will comes before
obedience to parents."

Dear Friends,

This is a very tricky question? But if we delve a little deeply, we will


Firstly we should be sure whether what we understand is truly the will
of God.  Most of the times, our mind suggests that this is right and
thats why its the will of God.  We have to be very sure that what we
feel is the will of God is truly His will or our will?? This can be done

by regular prayer, fasting & reading the Bible.  Normally God's will is
not revealed directly.  He uses many channels like our friends,
benefactors, office colleagues, priest, our councellors, our brothers,
sisters, relatives or even our parents.  Sometimes what we think is
God's will, our parents might say it's not.  Then instead of starting a
heated argument, we should ponder and find out why     our parents are
against it?  Maybe we will get our answer there.

Definitely obedience to God's will come after obedience to parents.
When we obey God, we can never disobey our parents.  Our God will never
allow that.  But the evil one is very smart, he will use our family to
bind us to do the will of God at times.  But here we should remind
ourselves of the word of God, "I have come not to bring peace but
division" It may happen that when we obey God's will we may receive
opposition from our near and dear ones.  But the word of God says that
it will happen.   But if we ignore the will of God so that our family
will be happy then that happiness won't be long lasting and we won't
have peace of mind.  We should never ignore the first commandment of God

i.e. "To love Him with all our heart, mind and soul" & the rest will
follow.  Sooner or later our parents will understand the calling of
God.  We can see this in the life of so many saints who left their
homes, even disobeyed their parents to do the will of God and the best
example is St. Francis of Assisi.

I would like to add here that we cannot compare God's love with anyone
not even our parents.  His will for us is our good and for the good of
all.  Our parents don't know what lies in the future but God knows.  But

again we have to be cautious in finding His will for us.  But one thing
even we if we get opposition from our parents in doing the will of God,
we should remember this one thing that we should not be rebellious with
our parents cause thats not the spirit of God.  Spirit of God is gentle
and patient.  We need to be patient and pray to God to give us the
strenght to face the opposition and God will show us the way.  I wud
like to end with the following quote which I keep reminding myself
always : "God's will in God's ways will never lack God's supply".

Love & Prayers

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