“We are not fighting against human beings but against wicked spiritual
forces” Ep.6.11


I remember a situation.  The other day I was with a group of youth in New
Zealand. We started to talk about the stress in the families and I
noticed one young man dropping his head and eventually the focus of
attention was on reconciliation in the families. At one point,
interestingly enough one of the youngsters stated “My home is a purgatory”
and for him purgatory means a temporary hell. For him Lucifer is his Dad
and mom is the counterpart of Lucifer. This young man and all the
youngsters except one or two mentioned that they themselves are the
little devils in that temporary hell.


It was sad to be conscious that their parents are the devils. For the
youngsters they and  parents are the devils.. We may sit back and argue
for arguments sake that they could be wrong but real life situation for
these youngsters was the awareness of themselves not as the beautiful
creation of God. They forgot that God created the human beings to
resemble God. God said “now let us make human beings they will be like us
and resemble us” - Gen.1.26. The youth in New Zealand experience
temporary hell situation in their families.


Often we think that our parents and our enemies are devils and we start
fighting them. We are ready to annihilate each other. But the real enemy
is not us. It is the wicked spiritual forces. “We are not fighting
against human beings but against wicked spiritual forces”. Ep.6.11. Often
times we think the enemy is my family member. Hence we fight tooth and
nail to destroy the others. I have seen children fighting their parents
for various reasons or even annihilating them. Cain did the same. He felt
jealous. Jealousy is a gift of the devil and  Satan hid that very
cunningly and deceived Cain. Cain felt angry at his own brother and
destroyed Abel. “Cain ! turned on his brother and killed him” Gen 4:8.

The real enemy was evil that took over Cain. Satan is a liar. He even
called God a liar. When Eve, reasoned out with Satan in her struggle to
obey God, Satan said God is a liar and convinced Eve to work against God.
Eve said “God told us not to eat of that tree. If we did we will die”
Gen3.3 and  Satan stated “That is not true” Gen 3.4. This Satan is out
there looking for us to trap us to sin against one another so that we
might fight each other and annihilate one other.

In this fight against the evil forces, we may fail if we don’t put our
proper spiritual armors. There are six pieces in this spiritual armor to
be used  in the fight against the evil. “Truth as the belt, righteousness
as the breastplate, readiness to announce the Good News as the shoes,
Faith as the shield, salvation as the helmet and Word of God is the sword
which the spirit gives. Pray on every occasion as the Spirit leads”.Eph.6.14-18.
The fight against evil is a constant warfare. But we need the Holy Spirit
to illumine our hearts so we will know the real enemy. The real enemy is
Satan not our brothers and sisters. No need to destroy our erring
brothers and sisters. Pray for them so that they will be ! delivered from
the clutches of the Evil one. Jesus himself prayed for us sinners. “I do
not ask you to take them from this world. Keep them safe from the evil
one” John 17.15


We need to pray for our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children,
friends, priests, religious, government officials, communicators so they
may not transmit evil messages, teachers, office mates and everyone who
might be considered as evil doers or our enemies.


Praise the Lord

Fr Thomas Mathew/Nov.2/2002,

New Zealand


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