Dear JYs,

Though I am a bit late to reply, I want to tell U what I believe about
"copying" Christian music for faith formation.

I love music and have a lots and lots of Christian Gospel CDs. I do not copy
any music. This is because, I believe that these  singers have taken a lots
of pains and prayers for these excellent production. Most of these singers
are committed Christians and spends a lot of time with the Lord before a
major production.  A good friend of mine is a full time gospel singer and
has told me that he lives ONLY with the money he gets out of  God's Music.
And will it be bad if we copy all his music without his permission and
distribute it freely? In fact, the music we copy will be of poor quality and
will not help  the musicians to produce better music further in their
career. The name of this  game is piracy.

More over, we should not copy music as it is against the laws that control
the health of this media and the morals that control this God given joy.
Indiscriminate copying of music has created a lot of financial problems for
various musicians. And, we should not be a party to it.

Faith formation is onething and coping music is another issue alltogether.
Let us not mix it up. Take for that matter, the Holy Bible. We know that
God's Word as printed Holy Bible is one of the most strongly copyrighted
material on earth. Why? All the Bible publishing companies have protected
their versions through various Copyright act. Why ? For example, the NIV
version of
the Holy Bible was produced by the efforts of more than 100 Bible scholars
around the world taking more than 20 years! Very huge spiritual,
intellectual  and financial efforts had gone into that project.  And,
Christian singers and song writers are on different.

We need music for our spiritual growth and song writers need food for their
earthily growth!!  Let Us Live and Let Them Live!!!

God Bless Us All!!

United in His Love


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason :)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Reason : Copyright

> Dear JYs
> I am a bit confused about something which has been worrying me for quite
> time and this is regarding Copyrights.
> Why are Spiritual Songs Copyrighted if it is meant to help us to grow
> spiritually and closer to the Lord.
> Why are even preachings and teachings of renowned spiritualists and
> copyrighted. Arent they meant to help us in matter of faith formation.
> urs in faith
> Jason
> Mumbai
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