November 17, 2002 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary 

In her short life Elizabeth manifested such great love for the poor and suffering that 
she has become the patroness of Catholic charities and of the Secular Franciscan 
Order. The daughter of the King of Hungary, Elizabeth chose a life of penance and 
asceticism when a life of leisure and luxury could easily have been hers. This choice 
endeared her in the hearts of the common people throughout Europe. 
Elizabeth  was  the  daughter  of  King Andrew II  of  Hungary &  the  niece  of  
St.Hedwig.At the age of 14 Elizabeth was married to Louis of Thuringia (a German 
principality), whom she deeply loved; she bore three children. Under the spiritual 
direction of a Franciscan friar, she led a life of prayer, sacrifice and service to 
the poor and sick. Seeking to become one with the poor, she wore simple clothing. 
Daily she would take bread to hundreds of the poorest in the land, who came to her 
After six years of marriage, her husband died in the Crusades, and she was 
grief-stricken. Her husband's family looked upon her as squandering the royal purse, 
and mistreated her, finally throwing her out of the palace. The return of her 
husband's allies from the Crusades resulted in her being reinstated, since her son was 
legal heir to the throne. 
In 1228 Elizabeth joined the Secular Franciscan Order, spending the remaining few 
years of her life caring for the poor in a hospital which she founded in honor of St. 
Francis.Our  Lord  and  our  Lady   favoured  her  with  repeated  
apparations..Miracles  of  spiritual &bodily  healing   began  to be attributed   to  
her  prayers.. Elizabeth's health declined, and she died on  November 17 ,1231. Her 
great popularity resulted in her canonization four years later. 

Elizabeth understood well the lesson Jesus taught when he washed his disciples' feet 
at the Last Supper: The Christian must be one who serves the humblest needs of others, 
even if one serves from an exalted position. Of royal blood, Elizabeth could have 
lorded it over her subjects. Yet she served them with such a loving heart that her 
brief life won for her a special place in the hearts of many. Elizabeth is also an 
example to us in her following the guidance of a spiritual director. Growth in the 
spiritual life is a difficult process. We can play games very easily if we don't have 
someone to challenge us or to share experiences so as to help us avoid pitfalls.


bakers, beggars, brides, charitable societies, charitable workers, charities, 
countesses, death of children, exiles, falsely accused people, hoboes, homeless 
people, hospitals, in-law problems, lacemakers, lace workers, nursing homes, nursing 
services, people in exile, people ridiculed for their piety, Sisters of Mercy, 
tertiaries, Teutonic Knights, toothache, tramps, widows.


Before her death I heard her confession. When I asked what should be done about her 
goods and possessions, she replied that anything which seemed to be hers belonged to 
the poor. She asked me to distribute everything except one worn-out dress in which she 
wished to be buried. When all this had been decided, she received the body of our 
Lord. Afterward, until vespers, she spoke often of the holiest things she had heard in 
sermons. Then, she devoutly commended to God all who were sitting near her, and as if 
falling into a gentle sleep, she died. (Cornard  of   Marburg,her  spiritual   

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