Hello Friends,

I am here in Singapore, reached here yesterday and Dexon was there at the Airport, met 
the elder prayer group leaders of the place in the evening. Today there was a one-day 
meet of the Jesus Youth first line group from 9.30 to 4.30. After that all the eleven 
members of the JY Singapore core team met at Tony and Manju's house and we had a nice 
time. Some of them are staying here over night. I should finish the mail and continue 
my chat with them.

Thailand meeting was very interesting and fruitful. I had received quite a number of 
prayer offers from Joynet for my trip. Thank you very much.

This Asian Bishops' meeting was organised by FABC Communication office for Bishops and 
the theme was "E-generation. The Communication of Young People in Asia. A Concern of 
the Church." About 60 were there with most of them Bishops and some communication 

I was there only for two days, it must have ended this afternoon. The time I spent 
with the Bishops was extremely useful for me personally and also for Jesus Youth. 
After the first talk itself Fr. Henry Disouza from Delhi got up to say that when you 
think of youth Jesus Youth movement deserves special mention. He did not know that I 
was there. Soon after that the new Jabua Bishop, Bp. Chacko came to greet me. We were 
meeting for the first time and he had high praises for JY.

>From Hong Kong, other than the Bishop, there was the youth in charge of the office of 
>CCC (the Asian Christian Coordination Council, the counter part of FABC in Asia). He 
>was so eager from the beginning to hear about Jesus Youth. We had much sharing.

My first presentation to the Bishops (the chairman of the session was the Archbishop 
of Lahore, Pakistan, a very nice bishop) was entitled "Experiences of a Youth Leader" 
and I spoke mainly on the Characteristics of Jesus Youth. It was so well received.

All the Indian Bishops were so very happy. Archbishop of Agra (Santhosh, Alexy, Shiny 
- are you all listening) immediately came up to tell me 'I had some very serious 
questions about Jesus Youth and after your talk all that is cleared'. A Phillipines 
Bishop was much captivated by my point about 'continuity' in JY. Archbishop Abraham 
Viruthukulangara was constantly taking of JY everywhere. A Malasian Bishop was so 
eager to do something in his country like JY. Two South Korean, editors of two 
Catholic newspapers had a tough time interviewing me with their broken English and 
they want JY there in Korea! In short, the Lord was doing something unique there at 
Pattaya, Thailand.

My second session, the very last input for the Bishops, was about 'The Evangelization 
Dimension'. I could get time to consolidate my thoughts from the first session. I had 
only half an hour more there before I came away to Bangkok to be with my friend Elish 
(to those who know Elish, our trainer behind JY skits, he is in a university in 
Bangkok and he sends his regards to JY friends). But in that little time the Indian 
Bishops gathered around me to ask about the possibility of more official approval from 
the Bishops for JY. We were also discussing about our dream of something like a 
regularised community for the rooted ones in JY with the knowledge and approval of the 

I go back to Cochin tomorrow night. There is one more half day session for general 
Jesus Youth here in Singapre till noon tomorrow.

Thanks once again for all your prayers.


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