Hello Dear friends,
Yes ..Now is the right time to step in to the Global evangelization. I
think this Christmas season is a good time for this …to share our
experiences and dreams

Lord will bless our dreams, Five years ago in Delhi we were also had a
dream to celebrate Christmas in a new way, so some us gathered and prayed
for it. We planned to reach out a slum on the Christmas day.

By the grace of our Lord we entered the slum on that Christmas Day, and we
divided us into small groups and visited each houses and gathered all of
them. We shared about Christmas and salvation through Jesus…people joined
with us singing. . clapping their hands and praising ..Yesu ki stuthi
ho…Yesu ko dhanyavad..(Praise You Jesus ..Thank You Jesus)..We also
enjoyed the true happiness and Joy on that Christmas day .
This small step led to form a Jesus Youth outreach ministry in Delhi.

Lord has a Greater plan for each one of us ….He is waiting to hear our….
Let us respond …yes Lord…Yes Lord….Yes ..Yes Lord….

Let us also share about our experiences and dreams about to celebrate
Christmas in a New way (in our house, parish..,  working place….Etc)

With Lot of Love and Prayers
Dilbet John , Delhi

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