Dear Bros and Sis,

      I was no way trying to underline the importance
of the catholic church when I posted this piece. My
sincere apologies if I had confused you with my
thought. I try my best to be a devout catholic and
keep my catholic sacraments close to my heart. It is a
delight for me to receive Jesus atleast twice a day
through the Holy Communion. 

      But at the same time I have personally
experienced the power of the spirit of unity while
praying with my brothers and sisters in other
Christian denomination. Three years before when I was
in Chennai we used to meet during our lunch breaks in
a CSI church near my office. There were 2 catholics(I
being one of them) , 2 protestants from the Jesus
Calls ministry and a CSI girl. And I can personally
testify the power of God in those prayer meetings. Two
of these protestant boys fasted and bought the tickets
for the Rex Band programme(which is hardcore catholic
in nature , Praise God for that) sponsored and brought
their Hindu friends to this programme.

     We see the best example of this lack of spirit of
unity between catholics and protestants in Northern
Ireland where neighbours kill each other just bcos
he/she is a catholic / protestant. The devil is surely
winning when the passion for your church turns into
animosity and judging towards another church. Just
imagine yourself in a VHP or Bajrang Dal stronghold in
North India  proclaiming the Word of God.. They will
hit you not bcos you are a Catholic or a Protestant
but bcos you are speaking the Good News of Lord Jesus

        I personally think we should appreciate and
thank God for the catholic church and the immense
power that we had inherited through its sacraments but
at the same time we should look for the good things in
other Christian denominations.

In Jesus 

Sanju Joseph


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