Hey girl,  
Good question, and one that not too many people think about...
If you study history in many different cultures, and especially the history of the 
Church, you'll find that in the formational beginnings, our forefathers (ie., those 
founding fathers of the Church) and evangelizers, brought the message of Christ to 
various countries adapting the ways and traditions of each place they went to while 
still standing firm to the apostolic tradition (this was so that the people of that 
area would be more receptive to this new thing, rather than them feeling like they 
were abandoning their identity of their culture, a unique part of their region - an 
example is St. Thomas and other apostles, and some of the things they did - you can 
look it up).  
Even if you look back to certain practices or traditions in the Church, such as using 
a monstrance for Adoration and a circular wafer for communion, some claim that it 
originates from worshipping the pagan sun god, and hence the monstrance and wafer was 
made in that shape.  I can't remember the details of it at the moment, but if you go 
to www.catholic.com, you can read their article on traditions and customs, pagan 
worship, etc., and it will give you a clear idea of how the Church incorporates 
traditions of each culture, ethnic race, etc. to better serve the people (but not 
simply go along with it... there are reasons...read and discover!)  Another example is 
the exchange of rings at a marriage...there are others.  
Here is the link for the article on the origin of things in the Church that some 
consider to have pagan origin (I am giving this example so you can correlate how 
others say that some of the traditions in our cultures we practice as part of our 
Catholic faith are not truly "Catholic", but from some other origin) 
Another article that might be helpful is 
http://www.catholic.com/library/can_dogma_develop.asp (about dogma, doctrines, 
traditions, etc.)  The section entitled "Borrowing From Paganism" is especially 
Looking up the Catechism's take on this is the best way to go... see the section about 
traditions, cultures, etc.
Hope that helps.

"Souly" for the Son,
Leese (Lisa Jose)
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