Dear friends,
On this time of the year when we are all preparing to receive jesus in our hearts, I 
felt it was best to make a case study of a person in history who not only came to 
prepare the way for the  Lord, but also left behind an example for each of us.  Please 
forgive the length of this mail.


Born to a priest named Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth, both belonging to the 
priestly families, in their old age,  John was a perfect example of Gods divine plan 
for mankind.  
>From the very time of the announcement of his birth  (Lk 1:5.) Gods plan for his 
>life was made very clear; or then, perhaps, the announcement came much earlier; at 
>the time of Isiah, the prophet (Is 40:3), where not just the coming of our Lord Jesus 
>was made clear, but also  the coming of a messenger ahead  of him to make clear the 
>way of the Lord.  John was a person  , filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, 
>right from the time of his birth (Lk 1:17), and perhaps that is why,  He leapt with 
>Joy when he first had a womb to womb meeting with Jesus.(During Marys visit to 
>Elizabeth in Lk 1:39-45.)

Johns Appearance:
Johns clothes were made of camels hair; He wore a leather belt round his waist, and 
his food was locusts and wild honeyMt 3:4
He fasted and drank no wine Mt 11:18.
His clothes, just like his personality resembled to that  of Elijah the prophet, 
(2Kings 1:8) thus causing an confusion as to his identity.
In the book of JoHN  when questions were asked by the authorities regarding his 
identity, He quoted Isiah when he said;  I am the voice of someone shouting in the 
desert: Make a straight path for the Lord to travel!
And yet, when Jesus began his work on earth He defined John with yet another identity 
when He said,
I assure you that John the Baptist is greater than any man who has ever lived.  But 
He who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John  Mt11:11
John was like a lamp, burning and shining Jn 5:35.
Now, now..didnt Jesus also tell us to be the lamps of the earth..

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