Third Day

( Opening Prayer)

The Word of God: The angel said to them: You have nothing to fear] (Luke

Reflection:  When we are very much afraid, as the simple shepherds were,
let us remember the angel's message, and trust in God's goodness.

Prayer: O, sweet Babe of Bethlehem, God protected you as a child from the
envy of Herod, and from the hazards of your infancy. Please assist us in
our weakness to place our trust in God's provident care and love, protect
us from the effects of our own sin, and help us to be strong and
unafraid. Increase our love of you, our obedience to your will, and our
imitating of your example so that amid all the trials of life we may
place all our hope in you, Amen.

Practice: Just one today put your own convenience and self-interest aside
in order to do a deed of compassion for one of Christ's brothers or

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<DIV align=3Dcenter><STRONG><U><FONT size=3D5>FOURTH DAY</FONT></U></STRONG=
<DIV><U><STRONG>The Word of God</STRONG></U> : All this is the work of the=
kindness of&nbsp;our God; He, the ayspring, shall visit us. (Luke 1: 78)</=
<DIV><STRONG><U>Reflection :</U></STRONG> It was our need that brought the =
of God from heaven to assume our fallen nature. He took pity on our misery =
<DIV><STRONG><U>Prayer</U></STRONG>: Little Lord Jesus, it is sin and its=20
consequences that now afflict us. In your love you undertook to conquer sin=
death for us in your own person. Thus, you showed us the path to eternal =
which we can only attain by following you faithfully. Help us, powerful =
Babe of=20
Bethlehem, to live as you did to overcome sin, and to do the Father's will =
all things. Amen</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><U>Practice</U></STRONG>: Just for today, try faithfully with=
Jeesus' help to do God's will rather than to follow our own inclination.</=
<DIV>Fr. Thomas Tharayil</DIV>

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