> Dearest (put your name),
> As you know, its almost time for My birthday again.
> Last year they had a
> real big party for Me & it seems like they will
> again this year. After
> all, they've been shopping & preparing for it for
> months now & there
> have been announcements & advertisements almost
> every day about how soon
> its coming! They really do go overboard about it,
> but its nice to know
> that atleast one day of the year some people are
> thinking about Me a
> little. You know, its been many years now since they
> first started
> celebrating My birthday. Back then they seemed to
> realize & appreciate
> how much I had done for them. But most people
> nowadays seem to hardly
> know what My birthday is all about. I enjoy seeing
> people getting
> together & having a good time & I'm happy about how
> much fun it is for
> little children, but it seems most folks are missing
> the point of it
> all.
> Like last year for example, when My birthday came,
> they threw a big
> party. But can you believe it? I wasn't even
> invited! Imagine - The
> guest of honour & they forgot all about Me! Here
> they had begun
> preparing for the festivities 2 months in advance,
> but when the big day
> came, I was left out in the cold! Well, its happened
> so many times in
> recent years, I wasn't even surprised. 
> Even though I wasn't invited, I thought I'd just
> quietly slip in. So I
> came in & stood off to the side. Everyone was
> drinking, laughing &
> having a grand time, when all of a sudden, in came
> this fat old fellow
> in a bright red suit, wearing a phoney white beard &
> shouting Ho, Ho,
> Ho! He looked like he'd had more than enough to
> drink & when he
> collapsed into a big armchair all the little
> children went running over
> to him excitedly yelling 'Santa! Santa!' You'd have
> thought he was the
> guest of honour & the whole holiday was in his
> honour. Then he began
> telling them one of the most ridiculous stories that
> he lived in the
> North Pole with a crew of dwarfs & every year on My
> birthday he rides in
> his sleigh pulled by a bunch of flying reindeer,
> delivering presents to
> children all around the world! I mean, there wasn't
> a word of truth in
> anything he said! 
> Finally I just had to leave. I walked out the door &
> it was hardly
> surprising that no one even noticed that I'd gone.
> As I walked down the
> street afterwards, I felt about as lonely & forlon
> as a stray dog! I
> could hardly remember the last time I'd felt that
> low. Maybe you don't
> think I cry, Sanden, but I did that night. That's
> why I was so touched
> when I came to your home that evening & you & your
> family took Me in &
> treated Me royally! I was deeply moved when you all
> sang 'Happy
> Birthday' to Me. It had been such a long time anyone
> had thought of
> doing that. I want to tell you that I really
> treasure friends like you.
> Its comforting to know there are a few other folks
> around who remember
> Me on My birthday too. Sweet folks like you who are
> close to Me, who
> celebrate My birthday with a nice time of fellowship
> & a simple meal
> together. I never miss being with them on that day.
> Another thing that amazes Me is how, on My birthday,
> instead of giving
> Me presents, most people give gifts to one another!
> Wouldn't you find it
> odd, if when your birthday came along, all your
> friends decided to
> celebrate it by giving each other presents & never
> gave you a thing?
> Someone once told Me "Well, You are not around so
> how can we give You
> presents?" My answer is "Give gifts of food &
> clothing to the poor, help
> those in need, go visit the lonely. I'll count that
> as if you gave it to
> me personally". 
> Sad to say, now they have even started taking My
> name out of My birthday
> greeting & replacing it with an "X" Its X-mas today.
> I want you to know & let others know too, how much I
> love you all & how
> much I desire your love. Be My friends and enjoy My
> love and friendship
> which is true and everlasting! 
> Your friend forever,
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