Dear friends,

How you all celebrated Christmas ?????? Hope it was a wonderful time for all.
This year it was something very special and beautiful in Sri Lanka. You wont believe it,
literally each and every street in Colombo City was decorated with huge Santa,
Fancy bulbs, Thoranas, Huge candles, flags etc etc... After 20 years of war, they
celebrated the peace festival in real festival mood. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country
but all this Christmas activities was sponsored by government.

For me also it was good time with my malayalee friends to go for midnight mass,
and Xmas day full day celebration with friends, night party and dance with sri Lankan
friends, 26 th Christmas carol came to my Hospital from my old parish. around 45
member carol group with the parish priest and orchestra came travelling 15 KM just
for me, and sing for me 2 hours, it was the night of real tears of joy came from
my eyes.... Thank to God this Christmas was beautiful than any previous one for me.......

And back to real life, Next year budgets are ready and have to be fully involved to make
this annual budget come true.... Being head of this company planning to go with this
budget to Jesus on 31st Midnight.... Let it be his plans and budget.... Let He be the
CEO of this company.... please pray for me and for this company, where i am employing
10 staff. I wish you all the best for the coming year, Let 2003 be year of the Lord...

Luv you all,
Colombo, Sri Lanka

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