Dear brothers/sisters,

      It is so sad to read these stories. Some of the
cases sound very inhumane. Just imagine one of our
brother / sister being subjected to the same
treatment. May God heal all their wounds and may His
precious blood cover the nations. 


Blore, India.

 --- Smiju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi
> Smitha was sharing this stories:  A patient was
> admitted in her ward, it was 
> a suicide attempt. He is recovering and he said his
> story, he came from 
> India by an agency which appointed him in this gulf
> area (for certain 
> reasons I am not mentioning the country and the
> patients details). Like all 
> other expatriates he also had dreams... dreams about
> his future, and when he 
> arrived to his fortune land he thought his dream is
> fulfilled. He was 
> working in a rural area as a shepherd. Where his
> salary is Rs. 3500/- 
> (S72.00). But soon he realised he came there just to
> die. For months he was 
> not paid. Daily he got a piece of bread and a cup of
> water, sometimes his 
> boss forgot to give food. His life was harder than a
> slave. He begged to his 
> boss for salary. His cry, nobody to hear. The hot
> desert wind wiped out his 
> tears. At last he took the knife for a simple deed.
> Just to cut his throat. He is now recovering soon.
> Pray for him.
> This is the story of a 20 years old Asian girl who
> is admitted to ICU. She 
> was working as a servant. She was raped by her
> boss's son and when she 
> resisted she was hit by an iron rod on her back
> head. After the surgery she 
> is recovering, but partially she is paralyzed. It
> will take at least one 
> year for recovery.
> This is another story of a young nurse. She came to
> Arabian Gulf to earn 
> some money and to help her parents. She was well
> educated and was efficient. 
> One day by her mistake a patient died. She was
> arrested. They cut her both 
> hands and sent her back to India. She was from
> Kerala. She was admitted in 
> Delhi. Previous week she was discharged and was
> traveling to Kerala. On the 
> way she jumped out from the train and dead.
> Please pray for all people who are suffering all
> over the world.
> with prayers
> Smiju Joseph, auh
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