Dear Bros and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

     Have we ever checked whether whatever we speak is
exactly what the Lord wants us to speak ? Often our
words contradict what the Lord expects us to covey in
our dialogue with others. In prayer circles, this
often comes as part of a conversation pitying someone
and ends up in a full-blown criticism of the same
person. Every word that we utter needs to reflect the
spirit of the Lord. Job puts a beautiful question in
(Job 26 : 4) "With whose help have you uttered words,
and whose spirit has come forth from you?" . We see
St. Paul also putting across this point in 1 Cor 2 :
13-14 - "And we speak of these things in words not
taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit,
interpreting spiritual things to those who are
spiritual.  Those who are unspiritual do not receive
the gifts of God's Spirit, for they are foolishness to
them, and they are unable to understand them because
they are spiritually discerned. " . Destructive
criticism about a person comes from the enemy and we
need to be always tuned to get the directions from the
Lord through the Holy Spirit.  Well these points are
not mine and I gathered it from an anointed talk from
a person in the God channel :-) And it meant a lot for

     Yesterday evening when I was still at the office
I realised that I forgot my wallet. My first thought
was that I had lost it. Then I felt that it might be
at the house and I felt I should just go and check it;
and it was indeed there. But then just as I was
preparing to leave home; I realized, the fact that I
was not carrying my wallet did not dawn on me
throughout the day. I felt that there was something
the Lord wanted to speak to me. So I sat down and
prayed in my house for sometime . I then turned on the
TV and I got the above message. I am very careful now
a days not to judge others. But this was an additional
inspiration. Through out the X'mas season I was really
having a gala time with lots of music and other
entertainment that I compromised so much on my prayer
time. I might have missed out many things that the
Lord would have conveyed during this time just bcos I
was not tuned to the Lord in the Holy Spirit. And this
message meant a lot to me and inspired me to listen to
Him more carefully and speak only those things which
the Lord wants me to speak. Praise the Lord.

Blore,  India.


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