My Dear friends,

Sanju did a great job. Actually we have to follow these points while evangelizing. This not only help others but also make us to grow more & more in Christ.

Once again all are requested to read it again & again and to share Jesus to everybody.

With lots of love & prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose

From: Sanju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Ten Tips for Practical Evangelization
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 10:44:15 +0000 (GMT)

Dear All,

     I came across this piece and I felt it was a good

guide towards evangelizing where and as you are. There
can be many more points. But this list looks good and
almost complete for me.

Blore, India.

Ten Tips for Practical Evangelization

About 25 years ago, a new word entered our Catholic
vocabulary: evangelization. It’s a word frequently
used but not often understood. As we prepare for the
2000th anniversary of Jesus’ birth, Pope John Paul II
has challenged us to become good evangelizers. So it’s
high time we all understood what evangelization is.

The trouble is, evangelization doesn’t lend itself to
a quick and easy definition. So I’ve decided to list
10 practical ways you can evangelize, things you can
do - at work or at home - to spread the Good News of

Tip #1: Be a Show Off

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking you to be a “show
off” in the usual sense of that term. I am suggesting
that a powerful way to spread the good news is to
demonstrate it in daily life. If your faith really
affects how you speak and act in private and in
public, people will take notice. A faith lived is a
powerful, attractive faith!

Tip #2: Help Someone in Need

Why do we admire Mother Teresa? Because she takes
Jesus at His word. She sees Jesus in the poorest of
the poor. When we put our faith into action by serving
those in need, our faith comes alive and has the power
to attract others. So if you want to evangelize, reach
out to the sick, the homebound, the troubled, the
homeless, the hungry, the imprisoned. Evangelizers
don’t just write checks. When possible, they engage in
“hands on” service of the poor. When others see this,
they will start taking the faith more seriously.

Tip #3: Pray

Prayer is the “engine” that drives evangelization.
Without prayer, we always fail in our attempts to
spread the Gospel. Just think about it. Before Jesus
preached, or worked a miracle, or died on the Cross,
He prayed. So should we. Prayer is something we can
all do - any place, any time. It’s something we can do
for ourselves and others. Make no mistake. Almost
everyone -- even the most hardened unbeliever -
appreciates your prayers in time of need!

Tip #4: Respect Other People

Unfortunately, common courtesy isn’t too common today.
As followers of Jesus, we need to be more than
courteous. We need to have a deep respect for the
God-given dignity of each human being. Not everyone is
asked to write a treatise about human dignity. But we
are all called to show respect and concern for each
person - those we like and those we don’t. Needless to
say, we’re not effective evangelizers when we imagine
we’re better than everyone else or when we disrespect
someone because of race, sex or economic status. When
we show that we respect others - by how we treat them
-- then we stand a much better chance of opening their
minds and hearts to the Gospel.

Tip #5: Evangelization Begins at Home

You’ve heard the old saying, “Charity beings at home.”
So does evangelization. Husbands and wives should help
each other take their faith seriously and grow in it.
Parents are the first to help their children open
their minds and hearts to Jesus by teaching them how
to pray and giving them their first religion lessons.
How important for parents to practice their faith -
especially by participating in Mass each Sunday. How
important for parents to make sure their children
really learn what the Catholic faith is all about. A
strong, loving and truly Catholic home also has a good
impact on the extended family.

Tip #6: Start With Your Friends

When evangelization moves beyond the family circle,
you might start getting uncomfortable. After all, no
one wants to be thought of as a “religious fanatic.”
So start with your friends. We all have friends who
are “unchurched” or “barely churched.” This year, try
to convince just one of them to consider or reconsider
the faith. Build on that trust and love you already
have with that person. Ask the Lord to provide just
the right opportunity to speak to your friend about
the faith.

Tip #7: Share Your Faith Story

Wait a minute, you might be saying! My faith story?
That’s right! The Lord has touched the hearts of every
believer with His truth and love. So take a minute and
think of the ways God has touched your life. And then
write down some of the highlights so that when you’re
talking to family or friends about the faith, you’ll
be able to speak personally. Don’t underestimate the
power of personal testimony. People will think more
seriously about the faith when you are willing to tell
them what it has meant in your own life.

Tip #8: Include God in Your Everyday Vocabulary

It’s not against the law to speak about God. No one
can order you to leave your faith at home when you go
to work in the morning. Be conscious of God’s presence
in your everyday life -- in decisions great and small.
And don’t be afraid to mention casually how God works
in your life. Doing so helps us raise people’s
awareness that God is very much alive and present in
our midst.

Tip #9: Proclaim Jesus!

When a family member, friend or colleague seems ready,
speak to that person about Jesus. You don’t have to be
a theologian to do this. But you must know and love
Jesus. And you have to be able to express, in clear
and concise terms, who He is and what He did to save
us. Think of yourself as making an introduction. You
do it all the time at home, at work and in social
situations. In evangelization, you are simply
introducing a well-disposed person to the Lord Jesus!
You are helping someone else to know the Lord Jesus
who has already touched your mind and heart with His

Tip #10: Bring a Friend to Church!

Some of our newly baptized people told me that they
had taken this step because a friend brought them to
church. That’s good, practical evangelization. If you
work downtown, ask a friendly co-worker if he or she
would like to attend noon Mass with you. Invite your
friends to come to Sunday Mass or a parish adult
formation class. If the children of Catholic parents
in your neighborhood aren’t getting to church on
Sunday, offer to take them.

A Bonus Tip: Make It Easy

When someone decides to be baptized or received into
the Church, be as helpful as you can. Make sure that
person meets the priest. Help the candidate enroll in
an R.C.I.A. class. Consider serving as a “spiritual
mentor” -- someone who helps another really open his
or her heart to the Lord and to the faith of the

Courtesy : Arch Diocese of Washington DC.

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