Dear Kurianuncle,
That is a nice suggestion and intension. I agree and support for the same. I would 
like to know on which issue# of sunday Shalome has the article by Mar Cleemis ? I 
would like to read the same.
Thanks for your concern and vision on Malankara Church and people.
Lots of prayers and love.
Stanly Kulangara, Scottsdale, USA
 Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi All,
I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth prayer day on Friday the
24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could be the same as
before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern Standard Time, i.e.
NY time).
Intention: Unification of the three Malankara Churches.
As we know, we celebrate next week as the Christian Unity Week. All
the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic tradition from St.
Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical format. His Excellency,
Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the Christian publication
"Sunday Shalom" in which he suggested a workable formula for the
unification of these three Malankara Churches. I believe that if we fast
and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream of many saintly
people could be obtained from our Lord.
I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our addictions and not
just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do. For example, for
some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would be harder than
abstaining from food for a whole week.
Please respond with your comments.
Thank You,
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.

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