Monthly Prayer

The theme for our monthly prayer, “ world peace” is a very apt theme in this current 
Here in Kuwait, we are in the shadow of war. Now everybody is worried about the 
present situation and talking about war only. Many people are mentally disturbed and 
anxious about the future. The parents are worried about their small children. Also the 
final exams are on the way and still the students do not know weather they could write 
the exams in Kuwait or not. 10th and 12th Std. students are facing more problems 
because they have to write the Board Exams and the school authorities yet could not 
fix the exam center in Kuwait.

In Kuwait the preparations for an emergency is going on.
Medical awareness camps are conducting several places to train the public to face an 
emergency of chemical or biological attack. People are reserving food and water and 
Govt. is planning to provide ration cards to all including expatriates. Gas masks and 
other protective equipments are going to be distributed to the people who are working 
in dangerous locations. I am also listed in the emergency staff since I am working in 
a power plant very near to Iraq. Annual leave is suspended for the staff working in 
emergency departments such as Health Dept. In total the situation is going to be worse 
in the coming days.

So I am listing some prayer subjects for the monthly prayer.

1.      Pray for all countries and peoples those    are in the shadow of war.
2.      Pray for Middle East counties especially for Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and 
Syria those are located in the expected war area.
3.      Pray for world leaders to take good decisions in this crisis to avoid a war.  
4.      Pray for the world to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
5.      Pray for the pregnant women, infants and children to be protected during an 
6.      Pray for the students who write exams this area.
7.      Pray for all to get mental courage and to get a deep awareness that Lord Jesus 
will protect everybody in any situation and Lord has a very good plan for each and 
every one.

Tomorrow (Feb.6) night some of the Jesus Youth friends in Kuwait are planning to pray 
through out the night from 10 pm to 5 am so that we could be part of our monthly 
Joynet prayer.  

With love
Biju Antony

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