Hi Sebastian, and all,

Let me introduce myself to you all. I am Binu Asokan from Kerala, now staying at Mumbai.

I am from a Hindu family. I was an still am, loved so much by my parents and family members. I got Jesus experience in my life 6 yrs back; when I was doing my engg at MA College of Engg, back in Kerala. In college I used to be (rather, to some extent pretended to be) a very cheerful guy, who always tried to bring liveliness among my friends. When Jesus touched me, He inspired me to keep a distance from all companies that may distract me from my goal, ie. Jesus himself. Instead God gave me a beautiful fellowship of Jesus Youth.

All my friends, and everyone who knew me, were surprised at this. Binu attending prayer groups, moreover, inviting others also to join!!! Whatz happenning? This was the reaction. Though nobody was angry or having any objection, I became a big question mark to them. Well I believe this is the case with probably all of us, whether Christian or non Christian.

When we look at things in world's perspective, because of Jesus, they lost a good friend.
"I am not here to bring peace on earth." In other words, Jesus is not here to bring earthly peace.
Jesus says- Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you" - Jn 14:27

My parents, after I came to faith, considered me as an immature person who gets carried away easily by others' words. When the time came when our Lord inspired me to receive sacraments, I told this to them. They tried to persuade me with all their means. But they did not force me. They even told that this is a psychological case. Better consult a doctor. They really can't even think of a living God. But I know, a day will come when they'll accept Him. It was painful for me. But the same verses which gave many of us confusion were my strength. (Lk 12:53). See, Jesus is not giving a rosy picture of Christian life. What you and I face is all written in the Book so beautifully.

You all may be remembering Mk 3:20-21 which says, "He went home again, and once more such a crowd collected that they could not even have a meal. When his relations heard of this, they set out to take charge of him; they said, "He's out of his mind."

If Jesus's relatives thought that he was mad, then how about us.

Sebastian, we do not belong to this world. Pls refer Jn 15: 18-21.

So let's be happy and honoured when we are treated like our Master.
When our dear ones seem to hate us, it may be the expression of an orphan soul. We must pray for them that they get adopted to the FAMILY. They, whether believers or non-believers, are not convinced of our Master's words and true protection.

My baptism was on Sep 8th 2002. Today I believe in one thing. If I need to be accepted completely in my family, it is only possible if they accept the one whom I follow (ha ha.. For that I need to show them that I really follow him). The differences in the family that Jesus brings when accepted as a true blessing of Jesus, in turn saves the family. Yes, we too may have to go thru the baptism like Jesus.

Pls pray for me and my family.

In Jesus,

Binu Asokan

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