Dear Bros & sis
            i have a question for all of u . do u think it is alright for
young people to fall in love ?.be coz of this situation now ..valentines day
is so commerciallised that it would seem a tragedy to have no one with u on
Feb 14 th one to give a card ..etc...
so now young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall in
love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till the
end of our lives . so Guys what do u suggest ???
what would Jesus want us to do in such a situatu\ion ...would jesus like us to
fall in love with some one? there some one Jesus selected for us in the
very begining ..if there is how will we know?...what are the factors which any
young person should rethink if he or she find herself  to be attraced to wards
i really don't know how many young people are in this group but i certainly
know there are many married people in this group ..think u can enlighten us
with your experience?....
luv deepak
trivandrum  india

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