I feel the true simplicity lies in the word of God how HE applied to HIMSELF.
Jesus said '....Learn from me beacause Iam humble and gentle in Spirit' Mathew 11:29.
Jesus looks at our heart rather than on to who we are or what we are or where we are?
It is just the simplicity of Heart moulded with humility and gentleness.....basically 
all a product of God's  unconditional, uncomparable LOVE.
with love n prayers
Joseph John / JYUK
----- Original Message -----
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 02:34:20 -0600
Subject: [JOYnet] Simplicity


I would say simplicity is,
Respecting others feelings and emotion...
Everything else will be added to it...

Simplicity should be at ur heart..
Not in ur physical behaviour or dressing..


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