Hi Joynetters...

Let me share my experience.....

I started praying for the girl whom I wanted to get married to in the year
1993, without knowing who she was.

I prayed to Jesus through Mother Mary(unlimited rossaries) for two things.
1.To give me a girl who loves 'HIM' more than me.2. To support me in all my
works for the Kingdom of God. I put one more  condition to the Lord, to let me
know the person much before the wedding.

I thank Lord ...that he answered my prayers after 5 years of my prayer, where
I met sharu in 1997....It was not a decision that we took overnight to get
married to........another six months and we got married in 2000.

Friends I'll tell you our life has been so beautiful since the day we met each
other in '97.......till this moment.......There were up's and down in our
lives....but the Agape Love that our Lord showered in our lives from the day
one is stll there.....

It's absolutely beautiful to be in love before you get married.

It will become more beautiful once you start praying for the person before you
decide on the person

When you pray you there are two important blessings that Lord will shower on
you.( This is my experience)

1. Patience - You wont get carried away by the worldly decisions...Hope you
understand what I mean

2.Maturity in terms of your thinking. Your entire outlook about opposite sex
will change....Your outlook about marriage will  change....You will  start
thinking the way Lord wants you to  think....you will start looking things in
a more matured way

So guys...(and girl's too).....get on to your knees and storm heaven .....Lord
will put infront of you the right person @ the right time...

Cheers n God Bless
Jose Antony
Bangalore, India

Jose Antony Elengical
Sr. Manager- International Business
Content Management Services
Cyber India Online Ltd. www.ciol.com
(A Cyber Media Company)
Bangalore , India
Office Phone - 2861511 ext 228
Hand Phone - 98454 12127

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