Dear all,

I was out of net for a few weeks coz of some technical problems. This was the real time I realized what Joynet is?

Since there isnt any prayer group where I stay, Joynet is my only fellowship in weekdays which I enjoy all the times. In those weeks where I was away from Joynet, Ive been deserted spiritually and every where I felt dryness. My prayer life have been disturbed totally and Ive switched to Cricket and other things. I couldnt concentrate in my personal prayer also. I even skipped from our weekly JY gatherings.

But now, when I came back to Joynet, I got the real boost and the enthusiasm as before. (Im not flattering). Thank you Jesus, and all the Joynet family members for making this wonderful fellowship really an anointed one.

With lots of love and prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

Note: My inbox was full and I was going thru the old mails. There were some discussions regarding the no. of mails and the proposals for new web pages. Ive noticed a lot of mails have been duplicated or even triplicate. Little care while posting the mails in Joynet will avoid this and can reduce a no. of mails. Also Y cant we categorize ourselves the mails? For e.g. If the mail is regarding with the current Debate, in subject we can add DEBATE - . In the same way we can add; TESTIMONIALS, SHARINGS, ANOUNCEMENTS, CHRIST EXPERIENCE etc. so that a non-frequent user who is not reading all the mails could skip and can get the right stuff what he/she searching for.

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