Hi My Dear in Jesus,

First of all  I would Like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who
prayed for my interview last week.I had sent a mail immedailty after that ,
describing how much helpful  your prayers was for me.I wanted to send personal
mails to all those who offered their prayer support to me.But i could not do
that due to two resaons.Firstly my mail id used in joynet at that time
([EMAIL PROTECTED])  became not accessible for me.Also i left my home to my
workplace at tcr the very nextday morning.So could not use my system there
after..( NOW I have Shitfed to my new id  [EMAIL PROTECTED])

That  interview day was filled with blessings for me.I could really feel the
power of prayers.

I could really feel that there is a big loving family to prayer for me.That
gave me very much confidence.

I could do  my best performace there.I really  felt the blessings of Holy
Spirit and Help of OUr divine mother.I   could recoganize the presence of Most
Holy Trinity and Our Divine MOther with me.ALL of these are due to your

Today I got a call from the company and they informed that i have cleared that
interview..Praise the lord.....I have  to attend one more interview (i think
this  will be the final)on This WEdnessday(26 th) 11.45 am. I Once again BEG
your kind prayer help.I am sure that if all you pray for me , i'll get it. If
possible please pray a hail mary for me.

ALso please pray for me after you receive our lords blood and flesh  in holy
mass.I know how much powerfull that prayer is ........

Also Please do n't forget to pray Holy Spirit  to give me his kind guidance
thruough the interview day...

Hope that you  would pray to strengthen me.....

Thank you very much and wish you all blessings,

regards and prayers
pradeep george

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