CONFESSOR(  1838--1862)))

       Francis  Possenti,  a  native  of  Assisi (Italy) recieved  Baptism  at  the  
same  font   at  which  his  great   namesake  had  been   christened  over  600  
years  before.His  father was    supreme  court  judge  at  Spoleto, and  a  deeply 
religious  man;before  attending  Mass  each  day  morning  , he  would  spend   an  
hour  in prayer  and  reading,  and  each  evening  he  would  pay  a  visit to  the  
Eucharistic Lord.

   Young  Francis  , who was  the  11th  among  13  children, lost his   christian   
mother  through  death, when  he  was  four.His  father  was   vigilant  to  instruct  
his  children  in the  catechism  and  to  familarise  them  with  the  meaning  of  
the  lives  of  Christ  and  saints.Under  a  cleric  tutor,Francis`  studies  
progressed   well.Although    engrossed   and  delighted  by  social  life, drama,  
opera  and  concerts  ,Francis  did  not  permit   these  to  crowd  out  his  prayers 
 and  sacramental  life or  tender his  devotion  to  our  Lady..

   On two  occasions  he  had   experienced   the  chastening  influence  of  serious  
sickness  and  each  time  he  had    promised  Mary  that  , if  cured  ,  he  would  
enter  a  religious  order.Yet  , after  recovering  he  had  procastinated  .When  
there   came  a  devastating   out  break  of  cholera  in  1856,  people  turned to  
Madonna  and    a  procession held  with  her   ancient image  as  they  promised  
.When  Francis  knelt  among  the  people  as  the  image  passed  , his  eyes  were  
caught  and  held  by  those  of  the  Madonna;  her  gaze  seemed  to  penetrate  his 
 soul   and  as  her lips  moved  he  heard  himself   sternly  addressed : ""Francis, 
why  do  u  tarry  in  the  world? Arise  and  make  haste  and  become  a  
religious!"".This  time  there  was  no  delay,  and  he  entered   the  Passionist  
Order  as  Gabriel of  Our  Lady  of  Sorrows.

                   As  a  novice  he was   most  meticulous  in observing  every  
detal  of  the  rule;  he  possessed   wonderful  memory  and  spirit  of prayer,  and 
 aws  particularly  conspicuous  for his  fervent  devotion  to  Our  Lord`s  
passion,to  the  blessed  Sacrament,  and  to  our  Lady`s    Sorrows.

   He  died  on 27 February 1862 at Abruzzi, Italy of tuberculosis. So  many 
conversions  and  miracles  were effected  through  his  intercession  after  death  
that  the  process of  his  beatification  was  begun  before  the  sipulated time.He  
was  canonized in1920 by Pope Benedict XV ,in  presence  of  his  aged  brother.
   chief  patron of  today`s youth  and  particularly  of  the   interior  lives  of  
the  young  novices   and  professed religious.
   Abruzzi region of Italy, Catholic Action, clerics, students,
            ""  If  there  is  any  fibre  in my  heart  that does not  beat  for  the 
 love  of  God,I  am  ready  to   pluck  it  out  and  to  destroy  it  without  
delay"" (  St.Gabriel)Prayer to Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of SorrowsDear Saint, your 
very name recalls your particular devotion to Christ the Man of Sorrows and to Mary 
the Afflicted Mother. You died young as a Passionist religious but left to us all an 
example of a life of Christlike sacrifice. Intercede for our seminarians and young 
religious who are in desperate need of your patronage amid today's sensual and selfish 
world. Amen. 

Oh!  sweet  Eucharist  ! &   beloved  Mother     keep  me  as  thy  own.....

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