Just like Prejomy, I too had a wonderful experience yesterday. As you must
know, there was a private bus strike and I am the last person you'd find on
a KSRTC bus, simply because whenever I get into one I always end up in the
wrong place.
But since I had to attend class ( being journalism students mean that you've
got to reach the institute no matter what, and once I was forced to walk the
entire 3 kilometers), I was forced to get up from my warm bed and leave. At
the bus stop I waited for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and still no bus. My
first thoughts were about my principal who would scold me if I arrived after
Then I remembered how people had told me to pray to Mother Mary when in
trouble. My cousin had told me recently about the relevance of praying to
our Mother, and I remembered all that. In those few seconds, I recalled too,
the time when, at a conference my uncle had suddenly disappeared. I
remembering his words, had begun saying Hail Marys, when lo and behold.. he
was there in front of me, like magic.
So I started praying, and after just one Hail Mary, the right bus arrived
and actually stopped for me. I even got a seat.
The bus took me to the private bus stand that I had to photograph for our
lab paper. the deadline was 8 and I had only ten minutes more. after taking
the pictures, I waited for another bus. There were only a few minutes left
and I started praying to my Mother. She immediately she send another bus And
I reached my institute a few minutes after 8. But again she was with me, coz
 I found that only 3 others had arrived and there was no sight of my
I can't tell you how happy I was. The principals's deadline was at 2 , but I
was able to submit my story just before 10, despite the fact that we had a
power shortage in between that prevented me from taking a printout.
So, my friends, the miniscule experiences that I had just prove my point -
 When in trouble, to Mary on the double.


-------Original Message-------

From: Prejomy Jose
Date: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 19:39:36
Subject: [JOYnet] Testimony - The power of Rosary

Dear friends,

I would like to narrate a small incident happened to me last week.

Before that; a few weeks ago, I had to attend an important meting with our
client. As usual (for me), I was late for the meeting. For that, I got a lot

of scolding from my Boss. Its previous night, I had a nasty dream and the
very next day it came to be true.

Last week also, I had a crucial progress meeting where I have had to produce

certain reports. The day just before the meeting, I prepared all the reports

but made some mistakes where I was not able to rectify it. I was sure that
Ill be scolded enough and was not sure how to succumb the situation.

That night too, I had the same dream as before. Jesus gave me the clear sign

that I will be scolded. Hence, immediately I woke up (it was around 04.00
AM) and started reciting a rosary. After it, mother Mary told me that shell

take care of all and I lay again peacefully. At that time, she revealed me
where I made the mistake.

And, in the morning when I was in my Personal prayer, I got a comforting
telephone call from my mummy which is quite unusual on early morning. I felt

it was an additional surety that mother Mary gave me. I praised Jesus for
helping me in such a wonderful way.

In the morning, I went to the office, and was able to rectify all the
mistakes before the meeting.

Here I realized once again that Rosary and Praise can overturn anything.

Praise God.

With lots of Love & prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

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