Dear Joynetters,


     Thanks for praying for Jessy.  The Lord has
blessed Nelson & Jessy with a boy baby. The weight of
the baby - 2.75 kgs. Both Jessy and the baby are doing
fine.  The baby is very active and doing the normal
chores.  For the sake of observation and also to avoid
infection because of visitors, they have kept the baby
in incubator.  Every 2 hours the baby is taken for
feeding.  Actually, for the first-two children, Jessy
could not even feed them.  But this time, the Lord has
heard the prayers of so many people who were praying
for Jessy.   

     Once again thanking all the Joynetters for their
prayers and a special thank you for all those who had
mailed me assuring of their prayers.

     I have one more prayer request.  We are expecting
our 2nd baby within 10 days.  The due date for my wife
Leena is 18th March.  Pray that the Lord may bless
Leena with normal delivery and healthy baby and also
that the Lord prepares our son Jeffrey (4 1/2 years
old) to receive the new person who is coming into this

     In HIS grip and grace,

        Bangalore, India 

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