Dear Friends,

Reenas condition is much better and she is out of danger now. The ventilator has been 
removed. They were expecting to shift her from the ICU today, but there are some 
complications and she continues to be in ICU. She has some problem with the eyesight 
and doctors are trying to find out the reason for it. 

Biju has told me to convey his profound thanks to all of you for praying for Reena. 
Biju said he feels much relieved since yesterday just because of the prayers of all of 

Reena is asking for her baby as she does not know that the baby has expired. Biju told 
her that the baby is safe in the incubator at the Gynecologists clinic. He is trying 
to adopt a newborn baby soon. 

He is seeking further prayer support for clear direction in all these matters. Please 
continue to pray for Reena and Biju.

Love, Sibi

"It is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing 
evil." (1 Peter 3:17)
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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