Dear Sandeep,

God Bless U !!!

I'd like to quote a very nice song... and i am sure you will get your answer in this 
song. It goes like this......

"There is no Problem too big God cannot solve it,
there is no Mountain too tall He cannot move it.

There is no Storm too dark God cannot calm it,
there is no Sorrow too deep He cannot soothe it.

If He carried the weight of the World upon His shoulders,
I know my brother that He will carry you. "

So my dear brother in Christ wait upon The Lord and ask for His mercy and Grace. 
Lord's Grace is sufficient for us to live by, and we do not need to know about/seek  
anything else. 

Is is not The Lord that provides for our needs ? Why then worry about what's instore 
for us ? Because when He provides, it is bound to be for our very good. Because Jesus 
assures us "I have plans for you, plans not for your destruction, but for your good".


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