Hi friends,

I want to share an experience I had Last Sunday. I went to IMS Seminary in Sardhana (Uttar Pradesh) to meet my younger brother. I reached there around 2 'O' clock in the afternoon. I started from IMS seminary at around 6 'O' clock in the evening. As I was walking to Bus stop my only prayer to Jesus was that he should get me a Super fast bus which will take me to Meerut town from where I can get bus to Delhi.

From a little distance I could see an ordinary bus waiting in the Bus stop and I really asked Jesus Is this is the way you are answering my prayer?????????. I didn't give a second thought to boarding that Bus because I knew that the next will come only after around 45 minutes. As I was about to board the bus a young man, in his early 20s came to and asked me whether I am going to Meerut for which I said yes. He said his friend is going to Merrut with his scooter and asked me whether I want to join his friend. I was STUNNED.....I asked him why he wants to take me with him. DO YOU KNOW WHAT ANSWER HE GAVE ME??? HE SAYS IT IS BORING TO TRAVEL ALONE !!!!!!. I agreed to join him.

Well friends I asked Jesus to get me an Super fast Bus. My journey to Meerut in that Scooter was a breathtaking one. The very first minute we started I understood that this journey is going to be a special one. We overtook the 2 super fast buses went ahead of us. Friends, I was praying for my life.

We reached Meerut in less than 13 minutes. You may be wondering what's fun in that....... FRIENDS WE COVERED 20 KMS IN 13 minutes. The super fast bus covers this distance in 30 to 35 minutes !!!!!!!

I reached the Meerut town and was praying for a DTC bus to take me to Delhi and when I reached the Bus stand that was waiting for me with almost all seats empty.

I thank you Jesus for the wonderful way you took care of me. Thank u Jesus.

Friends Let us share our day to day with Jesus in this Joynet.

Love u


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